Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful for my new Ankle

Well, I got it! My new ankle. Can't try it out yet, but I'm going to be patient! I really think it is going to work this time. What an ordeal! What a trip!

Surgery: I was Doctor Feldman's 180somethingth ankle replacement. From what he explained to me there was much more involved with my procedure due to the previous procedures. The Doc is very confident that everything went great and my future is bright. What a great and kind man! We became close through my ordeal and when Scott and I were leaving the hospital, Doc gave us a bottle of champagne, saying "When you feel better, you can celebrate your new life." I have never had such a wonderful experience with a my physician in my entire life!

Pain: Holy cow. What pain! I got dilaudid injections up until we left the hospital to catch our plane home. Then it was hydro and oxycodone together. While I have weaned off a great deal of pain medication, it is still necessary when I am mobile, especially riding in the car. When I start physical therapy it will be a must!

Trip Home: The airport in Miami was CRAZY! But we were whisked through in my wheelchair with our walker, crutches and our huge bag of x-rays, MRI's and CT's. Things were OK until I needed to go to the bathroom. I had only been up and around for a day before leaving the hospital, and after five days in a hospital bed, I wasn't very strong. Scott wheeled me to the entrance of the Women's restroom and I struggled in with my walker. I couldn't fit in the regular stalls so I waited for a woman in the handicapped stall. And I waited...and waited. I thought I was going to pass out. Another woman pointed out that the occupant in the handicapped stall was cleaning her shoes with toilet paper. I pleaded out loud to hurry, but there was no answer. By now I was crying hysterically, Scott could hear me and asked what was going on. I told him the lady wouldn't get out of the handicapped stall. I knocked on the door and she pounded in return. She was not going to leave until she was good and ready. When she finally exited, I looked in her eyes with my face full of tears, and couldn't help but say..."I hope that someday this will happen to you!" I know it was not what God would have wanted me to say, but I apologized to Him, asking that he cut me some slack. The Airlines were awesome! When Scott and I got on the plane, the attendants knew something was up with one look. I couldn't get to my seat, Scott couldn't do it alone. A very well built off duty pilot came to help Scott deposit my hysterical and weary self into the seat. Our super-nice attendant gave us two bottles of red wine after hearing the saga. I was out after a few drinks and I don't remember a whole lot after that. The flights were packed but the airlines left the seats between Scott and I open to elevate my leg. The kindness of everyone on our flights was above and beyond! Even the lady behind me got me a cold washcloth to stop my tears.

Well...We made it home after a LONGGGGGGG day. From Miami to Atlanta to Miami to Green Bay to Algoma. Thank goodness we only had to do that once!

And thanks for all your letters and calls of support. Especially to the ladies from the Lakeside Community Church for helping us out with meals. I can't express how that helped my husband the first few weeks I was incapacitated. God Bless You!

That is enough for today... more to come later!!