Friday, May 7, 2010

Attention deficit?? You make the call

I started blending wines years ago. It's part of the fun and creativity of evening wine and appetizers with the guests at the Belle Isle Inn.

So now I'm blending coffee. Today was Hazelretto.

Hazelretto sounds like the lil Ole aunt who would come to visit the family at Christmas. You know, the one who always sat next to you at the dinner table smelling of cedar and mothballs, and some kind of ancient, moldy flower perfume. And if I remember correctly, (and I'm sure I do) she always spit teeny pieces of food while talking. I'm sure one of my brothers got smacked under the table (could have even been me) for bringing the shooting morsels of food to the attention of the entire table.

Well, Hazelretto brought a quirky smile to my face, a sensational blend of flavors to my palette and was truly wonderful this morning!

If you like the orange gel nails or the pinky with the dried flower art check out Tia'Spa!

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